
What kind of bucks does this area produce?

What type of accommodations are provided in your price?

What will we do for you?

Our Fees

Ray's Tips & Tricks


For more information, contact Ray Kliscz at 715-669-5128 (evenings) or e-mail rkliscz@hotmail.com.


What kind of area can we expect to hunt in and how will we hunt?

We are fortunate to live in north central Wisconsin which offers a good variety of hunting terrain. We border the southern edge of the Chequemegon National Forest. We also hunt the Flambeau River State Forest as well as many parcels of privately owned land. The Chequamegon and the Flambeau are large tracts of forests with very low hunting pressure. You will seldom, if ever, see another hunter in the areas we hunt. Where I personally hunt during rifle season, when you would expect the highest number of hunters, I haven’t seen another hunter in over four years.

Ray & Theresa Kliscz residence bordering the Chequamegon forest.

The methods of hunting will vary with the time of season you wish to hunt and your own personal abilities and/or limitations. Some of the methods you can expect are:

  • Stand hunting in the oaks
  • Trail watching between feeding and bedding areas, especially good in the mornings
  • Stand hunting in funnel areas and travel corridors such as between beaver ponds which is always a rewarding experience as one can watch ducks, beaver and other wild life which are attracted by the beaver-created habitat
  • Stand hunting by rub and scrape lines
  • Stand hunting near food plots and bait stations

The choices are many and the methods can be changed as often as the hunter deems necessary.

Scott Sedivy with his December 2000 buck.


All photos shown are of bucks taken by us, in our area, with archery equipment.