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An archery "bonus."


What kind of area can we expect to hunt in, and how will we hunt?

What type of bucks does this area produce?

What type of accommodations are included in your price?

What we will do for you

Our Fees

For more information, contact Ray Kliscz at 715-669-5128 (evenings) or e-mail


Ray's "Millennium" buck.

Ray's Hunting Tips & Tricks:

TIP #1

Did you ever wish you had higher boots along so you could cross a stream or swamp, but couldn’t because your boots were just not tall enough.  Now you can.  I always carry my emergency waders in my day pack and the best part is that they are light, and take up very little room.  All you need is 2 strong garbage bags such as the “hefty” type and a few strong, large rubber bands.  You can step right into them, sort of wrap them around your legs, pull the rubber bands around them, and you can walk through water almost crotch deep.  Once you get to the other side, take them off, roll them up and you are on your way.  I used them several times while tracking deer and to get to some swamp islands, and they are now a permanent part of my day pack.

"Opening Day" buck.

TIP #2

Are you having trouble trying to locate a mature buck to pursue?  One way is to visualize where bucks grow old.  Normally water comes to mind as swamps and creeks offer the type of habitat where most people don’t tread except for the open water trapper.  Now if you know of any old trappers in your area, sit down and visit with them and you might be surprised as to what they can tell you about some of the bucks they have seen while checking or setting traps – Believe me, water and mature bucks seem to go hand in hand.

If you have any interesting tips on bow hunting that can be shared, email them to me at and I will be updating this section from time to time.

Have a good bow hunting season!


Ray's daughter Fran with Dad's "Swamp Crossing" buck.

200# "Creek Crossing" buck.